What is with all of these tattoos?!? I mean I get the occasional butterfly and dolphin, and maybe even a skull, if you’re feeling particularly friendly, but what I’m seeing here in South America is out of control!
I wonder if the thinking is:
“You know what my thigh is missing? A thorn bush. Yeah!”
And look, there is it, from the kneecap to the hip; a flowering rose bush.
“Oh, and maybe a few drops of blood from the tips of the thorns. Yeah!”
And the neck tats. Seriously? On the women, too. I’m sorry, call me “Boomer” if you want (though I’m not one) but I can’t see nor understand why you would tattoo your neck. Plus some are running out of room so it’s creeping up the face. The FACE!!
What are you thinking in this case?
“You know what I need in order to get that promotion at work? A crown over my left eye and the Hand of Fatima smack dab in the middle of my forehead! And in color, no less! Yeah, that’ll show ‘em what a go-getter I am!”
Damn I feel old. I remember when tattoos were mainly the purview of soldiers, sailors, bikers and the like. People you didn’t mess with. You looked briefly, then averted your eyes and walked on. Today, it’s like the carnivals of old with the bearded ladies and the freak shows. Now you look, see a pretty girl and sadly shake your head; I mean that shit don’t wash off!
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